We went to a new (for us) salon in the Avenues and I just said that she couldn't get color or bleaching or shave it all off, but otherwise, it was up to her and Blythe, the stylist. Tyler took her there, so I didn't even see her until I came home.
Mike had the same reaction I did - its such a difference that it takes a bit to get used to, but after you look at it for ten minutes or so, you can see past the "different" and see that it is really cute.
Other than that, I am well (mostly) and Mike is back from Portland. He never even had a chance to say "boo" to Tom and the fam - lovely boring conferenceing kept him busy the entire time. I did do a mammoth update of my book reveiws and got those all out to the marketing peeps. And I am spend massive amounts of time at work - constantly busy and not really so sure what I actually accomplished. Maybe that's not technically true, but so many days it feels true.
Tyler is busy as ever with his classes - too many advanced classes for my liking, but he says he hates the one regular leel class he is in. Most Tuesday nights he is up at the chemistry lab at the U of U, because West doesn't have the facilities for the AP chemistry labs they need to do. Its nice having auniversity so convenient.
Krista is trying to take all of my jewelry and clothing that I have left from the 80's away from me. Usually without asking, of course!