Christmas began at home with the annual burning of the novelty candles. This year it was a flotilla of little Santa's

Since we had so many, we each chose one like a horse race - Krista won this year. While the burning occured, we opened stockings, presents from each other and from far away family. Tab, our neighbor, joined us as he has for several years. Tyler's big present was a Flip Video camera. And Krista's was a guitar.

At Grummy and Grumpy's house, Tyler and Shane played Santa this year - they handed out all of the presents. It was still quite a pile! Bob and his family, me and my family, Tom and his family, Brian and Kaden, Grummy and Grumpy made for a great crowd! Christmas lasted quite a while.

After things settled down, most of the kids treated us to a Christmas themed play - not the nativity - something funny, instead. Gentry and Tyler played the roles of a couple, but they exchanged genders for the play - it made for quite funny stuff!

And here is Kaden and Brian - we don't see them together very much, so I have to get what pictures I can!