Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prom 2009

So, Tyler went to the prom last night. Here are a bunch of photos of him and his group - except we are missing one couple who didn't join the group until the restaurant. I know that after the prom, Tyler and some of the guys spent the night at Alex's house - and Tyler showed up at home before he had to - and it sounded like everyone ha a great time.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Yes - who knew a cat could get stuck like this - I thought they only got stuck in trees! Tyler was playing with Olie on the stairs. She reached out to climb onto his shoulder, or bat at his face or something, but he backed away and she got left in this position and couldn't move from it. She must have sat there for two minutes just staring at us while we laughed at her - and then while we got the camera to take this picture.

Meanwhile - got a chance to chat with my Mom on Saturday. They seem to have embraced Vonage. I just wish they could find reliable internet services, because I am really msising the reams of information we got when they were in Indonesia - I feel kid of cheated with just the dribs and drabs that we are getting right now. I hope dad has a load of info for us so that he can back post once they are up and running. and especially the pictures - it really helps to be connected to what they are doing.

Friday, May 8, 2009

It's All about Tyler

We are deep into senior season. This week we sat down and got Tyler's graduation announcments out. Mike printed the addresses on the computer - Tyler and I stuffed envelopes. Tyler got to address the inside envelopes himself. The graduation is in the Huntsman Center at the U, so there is plenty of room for everyone who wants to come to town for the event! Hint, hint!
Mike is a big fan of Jones Soda. They have a program where you can get custom labels on the flavors of your choice. Here is the label Mike created for Tyler. I chose the quote on the back - from one of our favorite movies!

And to top everything off - last night a young lady asked Tyler to Prom - it is actually a Girls' choice dance at West - that way they don't have to wait around for the boys to get their acts together! This particular young doesn't even go to West, but most of her friends are there, so she wants to go. I don't think that Tyler has been to two dances with the same girl his entire dance career! I guess he likes to share the wealth!

Honey Bear Birthday

Krista is now a very proud 15 year old. Her Grandmother Virginia gave her $$ for her birthday and she immediately wanted to order herself a refurbished ipod. You should ask her some time what happened to her previous ipod - enjoy the crusty looks when you do!
I had a great time indulging her with an all black cake - purple wriitng, black candles and Emily the Strange hanging out on the side.

For our gift to her, we finally took away the brick - the large bright green phone that hse has occasionally used for the last couple of years. Don't ruxh to text her congratulations - she does not have text messaging - you would think the world was going to end!
She gathered several friends for the day and went to see Monsters vs Aliens 3D - none of them had seen it yet and they all enjoyed it! Many of the kids remained until 10 pm - for a party that started at 2. Yes we fed them - lots of pizza!