Okay, so he's not so brand new. Actually, Tyler turns 16 today. My baby boy is really becoming grown up. He'll be off to EFY all next week, so he doesn't have a chance to go for his driver's license until the next week. He had some of his friends over on Friday for a party and wide screen movie night. I brought home a data projector for the summer. He and his friends like that idea. It s already been reserved for another birthday party. It does need new speakers, however.
Krista seems to have a part time job for the summer. We received a call from a family in the stake. Their daughter is back living with them because her husband has been called up to Iraq. She just found out she's pregnant with number three and she isn't doing very well. Krista is going to go up there for 4 hours each day so that mom can rest. This kind of thing is perfect for Krista, little child magnet that she is. Plus, iit will keep her busy!
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