On Labor Day we went to the zoo with our friends the Robisons. Gavin and Cady are a perfect age to play around with and they also have a new little sister - Audrey.

Gavin can eb quite wild - once he got this mask on he kept attacking me, so I had to pick him up to subdue him. Which he of course loved.

After wandering through most of the zoo, he finally found Tyler over by the wild cats (we knew he was there, but we didn't tell the kids).

We interrupted him during his biggest sale of the day. And this has become the standard Tyler reaction to taking his picture - cute, huh!?
Wow Cindy
OK now it is working. It is great to see all the pictures of the family - I especially loved the one of Krista and MacKay.
We tried to call Bob's house on last Sunday night and did not get any answer. Obviously we chose the wrong weekend.
Love all of you.
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