Here are Krista and her friend Mariah at the ballet when we went to see Cinderella with the Relief Society. It was probably the most successful Enrichment activity of the year. I took the girls out to lunch before the ballet. And then later that night our family went to Temple Square where we heard Tyler's friend Alexander play with the Utah Youth Symphony. Dad would have really enjoyed the concert - they are excellent!

Here is Mike lounging on the couch with his broken finger. He hasn't said much about it lately, but I don't think that the little piece of bone will ever actually reattach. I have no idea, however, and Mike's not talking. By the way - he and Tyler gave talks in church on Sunday. Neither of them toldus girls that they had been asked, so Tyler wasn't prepared and I was just surprised to see Mike on the stand. I thought he was preparing for aPriesthood lesson.

Here is a picture of an eyeball-shaped bag the I found on the Internet. After I made my own, complete with blood vessels, Mike took it to work to show off. I will probably give it away at the office White Elephant exchange next year. I am working on a blue-eyed version now - slightly larger, with a sturdier rim and longer blood vessel ties.

ANd here is our goofy kitten. In the evening she will let my lay her on her back and scratch her belly. Then she will fall asleep in this position for a bit. Sometimes she will even let someone else scratch her, but she's a momma's kitty. Heks and Spelen are getting along very well now. They like to groom each other.
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