At the end of June, Krista and I took a road trip to Anaheim for the ALA convention. We spent parts of four days in the Magic Kingdom and even had Corrina with us for parts of two days. SHe was overwhelmed by the convention, but had a great time in D-land.

Here I am with Orson Scott Card. His line was VERY long, so we only had a couple of minutes to chat. I don't know whose line was the longest - his, Dean Koontz or R.A. Salvatore.

Here is Krista with lauren Myracle. They balancing Lauren's latest book on their heads.

The boys joined us just in time of Corrina's birthday. Mike came from SLC, but Tyler joined us from Berekely, where he did a summer engineering camp. He said he enjoyed the med camp kids better than the engineers. I talked everyone into going down to the beach for photo ops.

Can you find the stranger in this picture? He was happy to take a group photo for us, but he wanted his picture taken with the kids. Why not!

ANd here are Tyler and CHristian trying to hurt Colin. Split, Colin, split! Afterwards, the boys flew back to SLC and Krista journeyed home again. If I had been able to drive straight through, we would have beat the boys home that day. But I hit the wall in mid-Utah and had to stop for the night.
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