I was kind of surprised when Mike asked if I wanted to go to Boulder for the weekend, but since it was conference, I of course jumped at the chance to get out of Dodge so that we didn't have to tange with the inconsiderate conference crowd.
I got some great advise from my friend Tom who lives in Boulder, but he was out of town for the weekend, so we couldn't catch up. We did, however, go to this fantastic breakfast place that he recommended - Lucille's - Cajun style food for breakfast!
We wandered up and down the Pearl Street shopping area and just generally admired how adorable Boulder is - quaint at heart, with a great preserved downtown core, but all grown up with every chain store you can desire in a different part of town. I remember going to visit a great aunt of Mom's when we took our cross-country trek, but had no idea where she might have lived. If I could have only seen into the future, I might have cultivated the realtionship much more - maybe I could have ended up living there instead of SLC. Seroiusly - if you haven't been to Boulder, its pretty fantastic.
I didn't realize until the day before we left that this was also a college tour. We went to a tour at CU - Boulder. The Buffs, as they are called. I liked it; I am not sure where Tyler is going to actually apply. I think Mike wants to take him to Oregon this summer to look at campuses there, too.
Wow - Krista and Tyler look so grown up. It is weird thinking Tyler will be applying to colleges soon. I was just thinking the other day how Krista and McKay were 3 years old when I met Jim and got married and that is how old Olivia is now. That time sure went fast.
Cindy - I am tagging you. Go to my blog for details. It's a little silly but fun!
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