So - I was severly jet lagged when we arrived - no real sleep on the planes and a headache. So I dropped off to sleep from about 11 until 4. Mike took off with Cozette and Ian and explored the neighborhood.
We are sleeping on a futon in the apartment that Mike's cousin Laura is renting for a month. She was doing some presentations and some research on immigration to South Africa, her personal historic specialty.
Cozette is there to help her with Ian, her 5 year old son, while dad has to stay at home. We are in the 14th arrondisement, down near the Port d'Orleans. Right next to a Metro stop, so we can very conveniently get around the city.
Once I finally woke up and felt alive, I went with Coz to the bank and to get bread from the boulangerie. Dinner was cozy at the apartment and then Mike and I went exploring the neighborhood. We are near the Rue Daguerre, which is very busy shopping street.
The next morning, Mike and I got moving slowly and then headed out to Notre Dame for our first outing. Mass was going on, so we tried to be quiet. BUT - you know how there are little chapels lining each side of large cathedrals? Well, the chapel named for Saint Germaine was filled with extra chairs and other oddements. So, we decided that Saint Germain is the patron saint of sotrage. So, whenever we saw a pile of storage, we called it a homage to Saint Germain.
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