Friday, June 8, 2007

Weeding Grumpy's Garden

Today Tyler, Krista and Cindy headed down to Provo where we met up with Bob, Gentry, Shane, MacKay and Rachel and worked really hard on Weeding the flower beds around Grummy and Grandfather's house. Tyler was in charge of digging up errant trees. Krista was the vinca queen. Rachel roted out grass (until she cut herself - then she was done). MacKay helped Krista and cleared paths. Gentry and Shane did whatever was asked of them - especially rooting up the 100's of oak seedlings all over the garden. I don't think we tore up anything important, but I'm sure we didn't leave it exactly asG randfather would want it.

We saw Brian briefly, but only long enough to say 'hi'. We finished well before lunch, so we hung out and watched "Dejavu", too.

1 comment:

Grandma and Grandpa Pier said...

Hi Cindy and others - thanks to all of you for working hard on the yard. I hope you took some pictures. How bad did Rachel cut herself?

This is a great idea Cindy - blogs are an excellent - if rather public - way to keep in touch.