Friday, May 8, 2009

Honey Bear Birthday

Krista is now a very proud 15 year old. Her Grandmother Virginia gave her $$ for her birthday and she immediately wanted to order herself a refurbished ipod. You should ask her some time what happened to her previous ipod - enjoy the crusty looks when you do!
I had a great time indulging her with an all black cake - purple wriitng, black candles and Emily the Strange hanging out on the side.

For our gift to her, we finally took away the brick - the large bright green phone that hse has occasionally used for the last couple of years. Don't ruxh to text her congratulations - she does not have text messaging - you would think the world was going to end!
She gathered several friends for the day and went to see Monsters vs Aliens 3D - none of them had seen it yet and they all enjoyed it! Many of the kids remained until 10 pm - for a party that started at 2. Yes we fed them - lots of pizza!

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