Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dance Fever

Tyler totally surprised me by asking a girl, Alexis, to the junior's dance. Any grade can go - its just to raise money for the junior class. Isn't her dress cute - she got it from Cinderella's Closet - its a program at school where girls donate their gently used formal wear and then all other girls can look and see if they can find something to borrow for upcoming dances and events. I think it is a great idea, but I am only at a middle school, so it's not like its a program that I can start up at my school.

Krista and I went to the Young Women's General broadcast last night with some neighbors. I was surprised that the crowd was kind of thin - I don't think they gave out enough tickets. Of course, they probably got scared by the ticket debacle this winter when they were filming a YM/YW event.

Krista remarked that she thought it was odd that the only person who made us laugh while we were at YWGM was the prophet. She and her friend Sydney are both taking ASL classes, so we frequently had to make them stop signing to each other! Squirrely girls!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

That is one good lookin' nephew I have!